(no meeting for 2023)



Attended Name
No Rebecca Assenheimer, Member
Yes William Brown II, Member
Yes Frank Carrotozzolo, Chairman
Yes John Holland, Member
Yes Carole Rivera, Member
Yes Jamie Toth, Secretary
Yes Mike Cioffi, WLE BOD Liaison
No Frank Bruno, First Alternate
Yes Kim Nau, Second Alternate
No Michael Wilson, Third Alternate
Yes Lt. Wayne Seeley, Security Officer

CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 9:00 am.


A motion to accept the Minutes from the 28-May-2022 CDC meeting was made by Carole and seconded by Bill.  All were in Favor.

CITATIONS REVIEWED:  The Citations for the meeting were reviewed beginning at 9:12 a.m. and documented in the CDC_ViolationsReviewed-2022-07-09.doc.


  1. Welcome to new members:
    Mike Cioffi, BOD Liaison; Kim Nau and Mike Wilson (not present).
  1. Member Resignation:

Chuck Miller has resigned from the Committee effective 28-May-2022.  This will mean there is another opening for the Committee.  Gino Dall Aste could be an alternate.

A motion to accept Gino Dall Aste as an Alternate was made by John and seconded by Carole.   All were in favor.

  1. Requests to the Board:
  1. To approve the recommendation to move Kim Nau to be permanent member.
  2. To approve Gino Dall Aste as third alternate to the Citation Dispute Committee since Chuck Miller has resigned.  
  3. To approve the recommendation to keep Frank Bruno as first alternate, as he has been asked to come to three meetings and has not been able to attend.  
  1. Responses from the Board:

Follow up from 28-May from Kathy Maynes _ Kathy sent email to Frank that stated “the BODs approved your suggestion for handling trash infractions.” that if reduced ticket is being challenged, then the fine goes back to original price when coming before the committee.  

ADJOURNMENT:  A motion to adjourn was made at 9:44 am by Carole and seconded by Bill.  All were in favor.

NEXT MEETING:  There is no meeting in August.  Saturday, 03-Sep-2022, will be the next meeting.