Wallenpaupack Lake Estates

Property Owners Association

Building Committee

Administration Building

Approved Minutes

May 4, 2024

Time: 9:00AM

Meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by Chairperson John Young In attendance were (in bold type)

John Young, Chairperson

Rich Yack, recording secretary.

Dale Pepper

Tom Huhn

Roy Van De Voort


Robert Assenheimer

Fran Raimo BCO

Scott Healey BOD Liaison

The April 13th, 2024 minutes were approved as presented/corrected.  No corrections.

BOD Liaison Report

Mr. Healey presented a more detailed report on the percentages of pervious and non-pervious. Surfaces for single lots and combined double lots with 33% for single lots and 20% for double lots. Gravel is considered 50% pervious. Any new projects being done owner must remove any gravel if not withing proper percentages, new permit is needed. John Carney joined the discussion so that everyone is clear on regulations.

BCO Report

  1. Building punch list updates – Fran updated the committee on new additions to the punch list.
  2. Addition of pervious and non-pervious to Article 7a, Mr. Healey to add those revisions – Page 14, Articles 6, 7, and 7a.  Must have a new survey showing those additions.
  3. Committee members terms – A list of member terms was distributed to members.
  4. Reformatting WLE Building Rules and Regulations by Mr. Healey for review at next meeting.

April Permits:

Non-fee permits – 39.

Tree removal permits – 32

Fee Permits – 9 @ $703.95

Homes Build – 1427 

Old Business

  1. Tree Replacement – Discussion to be continued at next meeting. See p. 16.
  2. Property Owner/General Contractor Permit letter – Mr. Healey to clarify and discuss with BOD.

New Business:

  1. Mr. Van De Voort made a motion to add definition of deck to regulations, seconded by Mr. Pepper. Definitions to be presented for review at our next meeting.
  2. Mr. Van De Voort made a motion to add definition of fence to regulations, seconded by Mr. Pepper. Definitions to be presented for review at our next meeting. 
  3. Mrs. Raimo to report on paint color issues at our next meeting.

Motion to adjourn at 10:32 AM by Mr. Huhn and seconded by Mr. Assenheimer.

The next scheduled meeting on June 1st, 2024, at 9:00 AM at the Adult lodge

Respectfully submitted by,

Rich Yack, Recording Secretary.