March 9th, 2024
The meeting of the WLE POA Recreation Committee was called to order by Tri Chair Lonnie Galovic at 10:03 a.m., Saturday, March 9th, 2024, in the Adult Lodge. Twenty-one members stood and repeated the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes for February were sent via-email to all members. Lonnie asked if there were any corrections that needed to be addressed.
- Minute corrections: Terry Cuccinello- Meet your neighbor was not noted in minutes. It was brough up as a discussion and there will be a date change.
- Frank would like to change verbiage under card bingo about hero plate to “hero sandwiches in March”.
- Frank C. Dance lesson clarification. One free class. Change Feb. Minutes to delete “beyond that charge….”. Charges cannot be part of recreation per the guidelines. Lessons will be a private discussion between client and instructor.
- Terry C clarifies with Frank C about summer activities and music in the park.
Lonnie makes a motion to approve the minutes Al C. Second- Dan. All in favor, none opposed.
Frank asked if the minutes can be sent out earlier- Lonnie said it can.
Treasurers report:
The treasurer’s report for February was read by tri-chair Lonnie Galovic. Balance forwarded on January 31st, 2023, was $48,076.97. Total revenue was $2,730.79; total expenses were $1891.74. Ending balance on February 29th, 2024, was $48,916.02. Our account includes checking, Venmo $500.00 and CD of $10,000.00 for a grand total of $59,416.02.
Discussion of how to move Venmo funds. Martin to talk to Loraine about moving the funds over to the checking account since we no longer use the Venmo account. Lonnie made a motion to approve the treasures report, Terry, second- Michelle. All in favor- none opposed.
Old business-
Card bingo – To end May 17th– sandwich night moved to April because of lent. Going very well.
Thursday coffee- Going well. The number of people in attendance fluctuates weekly. Will run until May. May 16th
Big game party- Frank C. – Went very well. 56 people were in attendance. Thank you to all volunteers and to Lonnie for making heroes. Brought in a profit of $405.
Wacky winter weekend
Ice cream- 103 ppl signed up- went very well
Bonfire- Terry C.- 75 ppl in attendance. Maintenance did well with firewood- hot coco and smores were served.
Cardboard sled- Frank- 8 sleds entered- they enjoyed themselves
- Bingo- Stephanie B- 135 ppl in attendance. Thank you to the volunteers. Very successful. Profit of $885. Program brought into discussion. It is very outdated. Al C. suggested that we speak to the tech committee before we make a motion to purchase a new program. Perhaps a calibration issue. Frank C. says we need help with the adjustments. We need to reach out to the tech committee. Kathy Maines or Brenda Lee). There is a disconnect between the laptop, program, or projector. Stephanie is happy to meet anyone in the MCH to attempt adjustments with the computer.
- New microphones were discussed. Microphone is the transmitter- we need a receiver for the new mics. The mics are good, the receiver is bad. 2 new microphones and receivers that go with it are $650. Lonnie asks if the mics will be specific to rec. Yes, is the answer. Michelle asked if the Rec mics and BOD mics will work together. The answer was yes. The tri-chairs will follow up with John Carney.
Old Business
Budget 2024- The budget was approved. The only thing not approved was the small wares- Supplies will be purchased as needed. All events can move forward.
- Swim team- Kathy Jordan-
- swim team t shirts. Motion for expense column for $1500- Frank seconds
- Motion for additional gift funds of $1000 (totaling $2800)- Carolyn Guy
All agree- none opposed. Both motions are over $1000 and need to be approved by the board next month.
- Tricky Tray August 31st. Will start collecting in May
Upcoming Business-
Dance lessons at Beaver with Fatima- Addressed during old business. March 20th.
St. Patrick’s Day Party- Michelle- 1 family signed up so far. Martha will be dancing. May have a leprechaun. 3/23 from 5-9pm.
Easter egg hunt- Cassandra- 3/30/24 from 11-1pm at Main Club House.
Designer Purse Bingo- Cassandra- 5/11/24, doors open at 12pm-game starts at 1-5pm at Main Club House. 10 games are included in the $35 with lunch. 5 specials for $20 if you buy the whole pack or $5 per individual special. Additional specials for sale also. 50/50 and door prizes. Looking to purchase paper boards and single use daubers.
Mother’s Day Brunch- Cassandra- 5/12/24 at Main Club House. Theme Mothers Day Weekend. Looking from male volunteers.
Memorial Day Weekend activities:
- Bingo- Stephanie B. – 5/26/24- Main club house- doors open at 6:30- game starts promptly at 7pm.
- Scavenger hunt- Terry C.- Flyer is made- List of items ready
- Cornhole- Bill- Still on
- Dan mentioned community service at the WLE Memorial for Memorial Day 5/27/24. There will be a guest speaker on Monday at 11am.
- Terry C- not doing meet your neighbor- no kickoff to summer- Will do a comedy night in its place 5/25/24. Main club house from 5-12pm
Crosstown band-Terry C.- Main club house- waiting on flyer- 6-10pm- BYOB- 4/20/24
Lighten up- Terry C.- waiting on flyer- 5/18/24- BYOB- 6-10pm- Main club house.
Appreciation coffee and donuts- 6/15/24- Tri-chairs- Main club house- Immediately following Rec meeting.
Paint and Sip- Doreen- changing date to 6/29/24 at Main club house- from 7-9pm. Flyer to be submitted for approval.
Casino Trip- Doreen- Put on back burner due to cost of travel and casinos no longer offering kickbacks.
Bus Trip to Scranton Cultural Center- Doreen- Advised to select a show, put out a flyer and see what the interest would be. The trip and show could potentially be $125 per person. Scranton Cultural Center will be starting their Broadway series. Looking to do something in the fall.
Fourth of July picnic to be held 7/6. Terry C- holding off on flyer- working on beer vender- has a food vender booked.
Texas hold ‘em-Terry C. – 7/12 and 8/9 at Beaver Lodge- flyer is made- door open at 7pm- game starts at 7:30pm
Review of event packet requested- Flyers are not being posted to channel 920.
Comedy night- 7/20 and 5/25 (not 8/17)
Octoberfest- Terry and Cass- Will discuss next meeting-
Murder mystery- 10/19/24 from 6-10PM. All paperwork submitted. Flyer handed in. Stephanie requests that the flyer be circulated as soon as possible due to the ticket price. BYOB. Theme “Roaring 20’s Speakeasy”.
New business-
Craft shop- Tara- next meeting.
Swim team- Kathy is on the move
Chalk the walk- tbd- looking for person to take over event
Sand art- tbd- looking for someone to chair event
Wagon repairs- tbd –waiting to speak to someone from maintenance
Bus trip –tbd
Beach party – Martin and Michelle- 8/17/24- to discuss next meeting
Renewal bill for domain name 3 year term $450. Upon discussion it was decided to purchase 1 year subscription and await answers and updates.
Anything else?
Dan- Total eclipse of the sun- bonfire 4/8/24- Monday-
To be titled: “Total eclipse bonfire at Deer Lake”. There will be 95% visibility. The total block is at 3:23pm and ends at 4:35pm. Attendees should bring their own viewing glasses. The motion was made by Dan, Al C. seconds. All in favor- none opposed. Bring your own everything.
Al C.- Makes a motion regarding car show- 8/10/24- which leads into Music in the Park.
Flea Market – Terry C.- 7/20/24-
Fishing derby – Terry C. – 8/3/24
2 music in the park: Terry C. 7/27/24- Lady and the vets (veteran)- proceeds donated to veterans-
8/10/24- Q’ball
Calander – Terry C.- from May- September
Triathlon- Terry C.- tbd-
Bocce ball tournament -Martin- 5/18/24. With noon arrival, 1pm start. Motion made for $250 budget, Cassandra to second. All approve- none opposed. The sign-up sheet will be in the office. Rick Braunagel and Mike Mcgregor will help.
Meeting Adjourned
Terry C. to second. All in favor. None opposed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Bradford