MAY 18, 2024

The Board of Directors’ meeting commenced at 8:05 AM.

The following Board Members were in attendance:  Mike Cioffi (Vice-President), Bruce Phillips (Treasurer) Kathleen Maynes (Secretary), Mike McGregor, Jerry Beskovoyne, and John Carney (General Manager). Scott Healy attended by Zoom. Ed Jordan was excused.

A motion to approve the minutes from the Board of Directors’ Meeting on April 20, 2024 was made by Jerry and seconded by Mike C.  The minutes were unanimously approved. 

Treasurer’s Report/Finance (Bruce Phillips):

  • The Operating Budget Summary for the first quarter was distributed. A number of the budget line items were unfavorable.  Some of this has to do with timing.  However, our insurance liability premiums have dramatically increased. One of S&W’s pumps needs to be replaced sooner than expected. 
  • The Marina ran over budget because of the increased cost materials in the building of G Dock.  Increased insurance premiums will also have an effect on the Marina’s budget.  Marina reserves are down. In the future dock fees will need to be increased in order to build the reserve for that area. 

General Manager’s Report (John Carney): 

  • Both snack bars will be in operation this summer.
  • The skate park has been moved to Section 4 tennis court area; the fence will be installed soon. 
  • First Aid equipment has been appropriately updated.
  • A large amount of patch work has been completed on the road.  They will begin tar and chipping shortly.
  • WLE’s catch and release rules were updated.

Jerry made the following motion, which was seconded by Bruce:

All WLE Interior Lakes will be Catch and Release for all fish except for Pickerel.  The first offense would be a warning, and then a fine will be issued for each offense thereafter. Fishing in WLE Lakes is for recreational purposes and practicing Catch and Release will preserve good fishing for future generations. 

It was unanimously approved.

Reports of Departments / Committees/ Ad Hoc Groups:

Maintenance / Housekeeping (Jerry Beskovoyne):

  • Maintenance has prepared the Marina for the summer season.  They installed the docks, no wake buoys, fixed and installed new signage, and completed spring cleanup.
  • Maintenance trimmed the bushes at the amenities and added new mulch
  • Sand was spread and leveled at both interior beaches.
  • The U-Docks have been installed.
  • Storm damage from trees has been taken care of.
  • Both snack shacks were cleaned and a new freezer and fryer were installed at Rockledge snack shack
  • The skate park was moved to Tennis Lane.
  • Both outdoor pools were uncovered, cleaned, vacuumed, and are ready to be used for the summer season.
  • Vehicles were serviced in-house and sent out for their yearly inspection.
  • The fence at the dog park was repaired.
  • 2 tri-axle load of modified were spread in the parking lot of the ball field and dog park.
  • All outside bathrooms are opened for the summer season.
  • Housekeeping is doing an excellent job keeping the interior of the buildings clean.
  • Housekeeping is still looking for a part-time employee for the summer months.


Sewer and Water:

  • A power outage cause the Sewer Plant generator to fail and a new one is being ordered.  In the meanwhile, Critical Systems is supplying a rental generator.  
  • Leak detection in the water system and infiltration in the sewer lines continues and appropriate repairs are made.
  • The construction permit for the Fawn Hill Well Project was received from the DEP giving WLE the go ahead to finish the project.
  • The system flow meters and Beaver well and the Westgate are being replaced because of battery life failure.  This replacement is in WLE’s 25 year study.

Bruce made the following motion, which was seconded by Kathleen:

All new construction not currently under permit will be required to have a grinder pump.

It was unanimously approved.

Public Safety:

  • Dominic provided the BODs with a Public Safety Report for April 2024 that included citations, incidents, and EMS calls.
  • First aid kits have been updated from a list of items provided by Mike C. that were suggested by an EMT.
  • John will make sure that the medical company that checks these kits will be more accountable.

Legal Administration: 

  • John received correspondence from a Lawyer about possible litigation if the petition against STRs is passed.

Building Committee (Scott Healy):  

  • The BODs discussed the motion made at last month’s meeting about considering gravel to be impervious and determining impervious calculations.

Mike C. made the following motion, which was seconded by Ed:

Rescind the motion made at the April 20, 2024 in reference to gravel being considered as imperious according to Wayne County Storm Water Policy.

The vote was passed 3 to 2.  Bruce and Scott were not in favor of this.

  • It was noted that a drain plan for the entire Community should be discussed and implemented in the future.

Recreation Committee (Scott Healy): 

  • Participation in activities are down because VENMO is unavailable.  The BODs felt that VENMO is acceptable if it is supported by Recreation.
  • Recreation hosted the following successful activities: Card Bingo, Thursday Breakfast, “Dance at Beaver,” Solar Eclipse Bonfire, Mothers’ Day Brunch, and Music in the Main Club House.
  • Upcoming activities include a Scavenger Hunt, Bocce Ball Tournament, Meet Your Neighbor, Corn Hole Tournament, Comedy Night, Paint & Sip, Texas Hold’Em, Flea Market, Music in the Park, Car Show, Beach Party, Triathlon, Octoberfest, and Murder Mystery Night.
  • The Independence Day Celebration is scheduled for July 6th.

CDC (Mike Cioffi):  (No meeting this month) 

Marina Committee (Kathleen Maynes):. 

  • Kathleen will bring to the Marina Committee’s attention that they are over budget due to the escalated cost of Styrofoam and switching to stronger hardware.
  • Maintenance has put out 2 additional buoys this year bringing the total to 5.  However, there are no buoys in towards the cove past E Dock.  The Marina Committee recommends that 2 additional buoys should be added into the cove area.  The Marina Committee understands that this would be billed to the Marina account.
  • The Marina Committee suggested that additional cameras be placed down the pathways.  John will check on the pricing for this.
  • The Marina Committee reviewed the policy that snubbers should be on the front of all boats.  The Committee recommends keeping with the current verbiage for that rule. 
  • The Marina Committee was impressed with the building of G Dock.


Neighborhood Watch: 

  • The Committee members were told to report suspicious activities and solicitors to Public Safety.
  • The Committee is making plans to help with the following activities:  the Golf Cart Parade, Flea Market, Fishing Derby, Car Show, Beach Party, and Truck and Treat.
  • Neighborhood Watch is recommending that the walkway from the Laundromat parking lot to the Medical Room entrance be re-stoned.  People with disabilities are having a hard time negotiating that area.
  • Neighborhood Watch needs more ball caps and magnetic signs.   

Technology Committee (Kathleen Maynes):

  • Kathleen handed out to the BODs a Public Wi-Fi Access Policy submitted by one the members of the Technology Committee.  The Technology Committee recommended adoption of this Policy.

Kathleen made the following motion, which was seconded by Mike C.

WLE will adopt and implement the Public Wireless Use Policy.

It was unanimously approved.

Paupack Township (Jerry Beskovoyne)

  • June 9th is the Township’s hearing date for the demolition of the house on Lakeshore Drive

First right of refusals were done via email due to the fact that they were time sensitive.  

They included the following:

Section and Lot:

Email Approval Date:













They were unanimously approved. 


  • A request was made for a memorial bench for property owner that had deceased.  It was recommended that they consider a paver at the Memorial site or donating a tree.
  • A property owner submitted a letter requesting a lower a fine.  The fine was upheld.
  • John received correspondence from a Lawyer about possible litigation if the petition against STRs is passed.
  • A letter was received requesting improvement to the boat ramp.  Permits must come from Brookfield. Due to the size of WLE’s ramp, we can no longer lengthen or enlarge it.
  • A property owner requested that the Interior lakes be Catch and Release.  The BODs agreed with this.

Unfinished Business:

  • Jerry provided the BODs with the costs for the Digital Board. 
  • The Recreation Committee needs to be contacted in reference to this.
  • Discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
  • The salt shed needs to be replaced.  The BODs discussed various locations.

New Business:

  • Nominations for the candidate for WLE’s Wall of Honor were discussed.
  • Ed will be Judge of Elections.

Jerry made the following motion, which was seconded by Ed:

Motion to nominate Jack Gilleeny for the WLE’s Wall of Honor.

It was unanimously approved.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:30 PM was made by Kathleen, seconded by Jerry, and approved unanimously.

The next BOD meeting is scheduled for June 8, 2024. It is the Annual Open Board Meeting. 

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen R. Maynes, Secretary