NOVEMBER 18, 2023
The Board of Directors’ meeting commenced at 9:00 AM.
The following Board members were in attendance: Bruce Phillips (Treasurer) Kathleen Maynes (Secretary), Mike McGregor, Scott Healy, Jerry Beskovoyne, and John Carney (General Manager). Ed Jordan (President) and Mike Cioffi (Vice-President) were excused.
Bruce began the session with the Pledge of Allegiance.
A motion to approve the minutes from the Board of Directors’ Meeting on October 21, 2023 was made by Scott and seconded by Jerry. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report/Finance (Bruce Phillips):
- The Operating Budget Summary dated 10/21/2023 was distributed. As of now, all Departments are favorable.
- All bills associated with the indoor pool has been paid for and feedback about the pool’s operation has been positive.
- Bruce distributed a budget draft for 2024. It was determined that this would be discussed at the end of this meeting.
- Mike M. asked about future updates to the Sewer System. The 25 year study budgets for replacement components.
General Manager’s Report (John Carney):
- John provided requested information to a property owner about a sewer issue.
- Budget preparation in underway for 2024.
- The Fawn Hill Well Project is almost completed. The Association is waiting for the DEP to issue their permit.
- John will be meeting with a representative from Oakview Property Owners’ Association to discuss drainage that borders WLE.
- John will also be meeting the the General Manager from the Hideout to discuss issues involving STRs (Short Term Rentals).
- John is also working on some additional verbiage in WLE’s Rules and Regulations that will allow WLE to further support and strengthen the components of the Paupack Township Ordinance and our Rental Rules and Regulations dealing with STRs.
Reports of Departments / Committees/ Ad Hoc Groups:
Maintenance / Housekeeping (Jerry Beskovoyne):
- Maintenance has removed the docks from the Marina, removed the lighthouse at the Marina, changed the oil on all maintenance vehicles, attached the winter spreader on the trucks, completed yearly inspections on 3 vehicles, completed fall clean up, and ordered and mixed salt and cinders.
- The Maintenance will be working on replacing rotten wood on the Beaver Lodge deck (pool side), installing water fountain at the MCH, removing the fountain in the hatchery, and ordering the materials in preparation for building G Dock.
- Housekeeping is still in the process of deep cleaning the buildings.
- Housekeeping is also looking to see what equipment needs to be added or replaced.
Sewer and Water (Mike McGregor)
- Miscellaneous maintenance was performed at the sewer plant and the sewer system is being prepared for the winter.
- Koberline hauled 28,000 gallons from the sludge tank.
- Several manholes were pulled and inspected for infiltration.
- Leak detection in the water system continues and appropriate repairs are made
Public Safety:
- Dominic provided the BODs with a Public Safety Report for Octoberr 2023 that included citations, incidents, and EMS calls.
Legal Administration:
- An oversized boat issue is still being litigated .
Building Committee (Scott Healy):.
- WLE currently has 1426 houses.
- 23 non fee permits and 17 tree removal permits were issued.
- Scott will work on drafting revisions to the rules and regulations involving exterior color of houses.
- Erosion and sediment control needs to be address in the rules and regulations. Scott will also work on the verbiage for that.
- Tree replacement for building sites was discussed.
Recreation: (Scott Healy)
- Trunk or Treat and the Halloween Party were enjoyed by many.
- The upcoming activities include Thursday Coffee, Card Bingo, Pre-Holiday Party, Tree Lighting with hot coco and cookies, Holiday Craft Fair, and New Year’s Eve Party.
- The Craft Shop needs to provide a complete accounting of sales profits for both WLE and vendor merchandise.
Marina Committee (Kathleen Maynes):.
- The Marina budget is currently on target.
- G Dock is scheduled to be replaced in 2024,
- Maintenance will provide the annual spring cleanup. However, additional beautification of the area may have to be subcontracted and paid from the Marina’s budget.
- Marina Committee members have volunteered to spray the dock with a preservative in the spring prior to being put in Lake Wallenpaupack. The BODs wants them to check with the DEP and/or Brookfield to see if this is permitted. They also want an estimate of the amount of preservative necessary to complete this task.
- Seven cases were reviewed. Six were found in violation.
- There was one appeal to the BODs about a compactor violation. The BODs determined that it would accept a $50. fine and, as requested, expunge his record.
Neighborhood Watch (Mike McGregor):
- Neighborhood Watch will not be meeting again until the spring.
- In the future Public Safety Reports will be given to the Neighborhood Watch chairperson prior to meetings..
WLE Beautification (Mike McGregor):
- The Beautification Committee is getting ready with its holiday decorations.
- Maintenance is building boxes that look like presents to put under the holiday tree at the the Main Office.
Technology Committee (Proposed) (Kathleen Maynes):
- Improvements have been made for Wi-Fi access at the MCH and will be made at the other amenities
- The Zoom meeting on STRs went very well. Visuals and sound were excellent. A special thanks to Chad Sives, and Shawn Abbott, Kathy Sollenne, and Cord Rosencrance for making this happen.
- WLE did not need to purchase additional audio equipment for this meeting. However, it is suggested that additional mics and mic stands be added for future meetings. The BODs would like the Technology Committee to make recommendations for specific mics and stands.
- The BODs decided that property owners who choose to view a meeting via Zoom must send in any questions ahead of time. This is necessary to make sure that these questions are coming from property owners in good standing. Also, the logistics of monitoring the meeting for at home participation would require additional personnel.
- The Committee is checking with Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T for possible future savings.
- T-Mobile fiber optics is now available at a limited number of homes in WLE.
- Wi-Fi access policies are being explored.
- The BODs reviewed the Technology Committee Charter and made one verbiage correction.
The following motion was made by Kathleen and seconded by Bruce:
Approved the Technology Committee Charter with correction.
It was unanimously approved.
Paupack Township (Jerry Beskovoyne):
- Paupack Township took possession of an unkept home and will be demolishing it.
First right of refusals were done via email due to the fact that they were time sensitive.
They included the following:
Section and Lot: |
Email Approval Date: |
3-138 |
913/2023 |
4-105 |
9/25/2023 |
1-519 |
10/11/2023 |
1-102 |
9/1/203 |
1-362 |
9/8/2023 |
1-523 |
8/24/2023 |
7-060 |
10/3/2023 |
2-143 |
10/3/2023 |
2-070 |
10/30/2023 |
They were unanimously approved.
- A property owner appealed the fine associated with advertising a STR. The BODs determined that he must pay the fine.
Unfinished Business:
- The BODs are waiting for specs for the electronic bulletin board.
- The Fawn Hill Well project is awaiting a permit from the DEP.
New Business:
- The BODs believe they will be receiving a petition from property owners on STRs
- John has provided a necessary materials involving a sewer incident.
- The BODs determined that next year the open meeting would be in November rather than December.
Revisited from earlier in the meeting – Treasurer’s Report/Finance (Bruce Phillips):
- The BODs reviewed a number of line items in the draft budget for 2024.
The following motion was made by Bruce and seconded by Scott:
The dues will increase by 5.5% for 2024.
It was unanimously approved.
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:15 PM was made by Jerry, seconded by Kathleen, and approved unanimously.
The next BOD meeting is scheduled for December 16, 2023. It is an open meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen R. Maynes