(no meeting for 2023)


Attended Name
Yes Rebecca Assenheimer, Member
Yes William Brown II, Member
Yes Frank Carrotozzolo, Chairman
Yes John Holland, Member
Yes Kim Nau, Member 
No Carole Rivera, Member
No Jamie Toth, Secretary
Yes Mike Cioffi, WLE BOD Liaison
Yes Lt. Wayne Seeley, Security Officer
No Frank Bruno, First Alternate
No Michael Wilson, Second Alternate
Yes Gino Dall Aste, Third Alternate

Submitted by:  Kim Nau

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 9:11 am

Minutes from last meeting:

A motion to accept the Minutes from the September CDC meeting was made by Frank, seconded by Rebecca. All were in Favor.

Meeting Discussion: 

  1. There was no board meeting last month. 
  2. Frank Bruno responded via email that he would attend today’s meeting but did not show up.
  3. In regards to citation #’s 312a and 312b: The WLE office will send a letter to Adam Weaver stating that he is no longer allowed in the community. The property owner can also write a letter and state that this person is not permitted at their residence. Issue a new citation to Adam Weaver, as a warning, with a trespassing charge. 


A motion to adjourn was made at 12:27 pm by Bill and seconded by Gino. All were in favor.

Next meeting:

November 5, 2022 at 9:00 am 

*Kim Nau is unable to attend the next meeting.