(no meeting for 2023)
Attended | Name |
Yes | Rebecca Assenheimer, Member |
Yes | William Brown II, Member |
Yes | Frank Carrotozzolo, Chairman |
Yes | John Holland, Member |
Yes | Kim Nau, Member |
No | Carole Rivera, Member |
No | Jamie Toth, Secretary |
Yes | Mike Cioffi, WLE BOD Liaison |
Yes | Lt. Wayne Seeley, Security Officer |
No | Frank Bruno, First Alternate |
No | Michael Wilson, Second Alternate |
Yes | Gino Dall Aste, Third Alternate |
Submitted by: Kim Nau
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 9:11 am
Minutes from last meeting:
A motion to accept the Minutes from the September CDC meeting was made by Frank, seconded by Rebecca. All were in Favor.
Meeting Discussion:
- There was no board meeting last month.
- Frank Bruno responded via email that he would attend today’s meeting but did not show up.
- In regards to citation #’s 312a and 312b: The WLE office will send a letter to Adam Weaver stating that he is no longer allowed in the community. The property owner can also write a letter and state that this person is not permitted at their residence. Issue a new citation to Adam Weaver, as a warning, with a trespassing charge.
A motion to adjourn was made at 12:27 pm by Bill and seconded by Gino. All were in favor.
Next meeting:
November 5, 2022 at 9:00 am
*Kim Nau is unable to attend the next meeting.