OCTOBER 7, 2023

  • Meeting called to order by Lee Cohen at 9 :10 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance
  • The following members were in attendance: Lee Cohen Chairperson, Kathleen Maynes BOD liaison, Frank Carrotozzolo, Paul Pogozelski, Rick Rivera, Jeff Smith and Dave Stull.
  • Discussion regarding Marina Committee Members checking boats/registrations in the docks was discussed and no final decision was made.  Each member of the committee will check their individual docks when they go out on their boats and report any issues to security or the marina dockmaster if he is present.  A suggestion was made to place a sign on the marina bulletin board asking if any boat owner sees an issue to report it to security or the dockmaster if present.  
  • Discussion of protecting the docks:  Lee Cohen will discuss with John Carney that Mandatory rubber snubbers on all bow lines be implemented with a diagram showing the correct way to tie up a boat so no damage occurs to the dock or other boats.
  • Additional security procedures will be employed this fall/winter to protect all the docks at the upper marina parking lot (potentially chained/gated in addition to a possible security camera.)  
  • Discussion on the dockmaster duties and how to beautify the marina and how to assist in making the marina area safer for everyone (blowing the leaves, removing /painting rocks that are in the pathway, fixing the stone pathway and drainage issues).
  • Reviewed current Marina Financial Statements as of August 31, 2023.  The Marina Committee is in favor of not increasing the marina dues.  We are in sound financial shape.
  • New signage will be installed going up Boathouse Road indicating “No Trailer Parking On Weekends.”
  • Two new day/night vision cameras have been installed (mainly due to the damage done to the marina area at night by loitering kids) to the left of the Marina Shed and on the pole at the top of the ramp.  Other cameras are being discussed for the marina as well, including solar powered cameras on the docks.
  • A boat in the marina was heavily vandalized last month and is being investigated by the PA State Police
  • We continue to have a wasp/hornet issue on the docks.  Next year the docks will be properly treated underneath, mainly by the foam flotation blocks, prior to being placed in the lake (may be handled by an outside exterminator)
  • The sewer grate to the right of the Marina Shed has continued to sink, creating a significant safety issue, and will be reviewed by Maintenance.
  • The Marina Budget has been charged $10,000, which is the Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Deductible, due to a lawsuit brought against WLE by a Property Owner regarding a boat purchased greater than 24’ 6” but showing a PA Title length of 24’.  WLE is determined to win the lawsuit and will attempt to recoup the $10,000.
  • A Bench Seat (Memorial) is in the process of being placed to the right of the Marina Shed
  • Additional “No Wake” Markers need to be strategically placed in the Lake (need to be installed further away from the docks to reduce wake damage/protect the docks and the boats). There should be a minimum of 5 Markers.
  • The official Marina closing date is October 11th but signs around the community list the date as the 15th.  The correct date should be posted on the WLE website.
  • Replacement of Dock G is recommended by the Committee.
  • Wood preservative treatment for the docks and staircases, to potentially extend the 10-year replacement program, will be investigated by the committee.
  • 2023 Marina issues and fines (potentially get a summary from the WLE Office/Kathy) will be investigated by Lee Cohen.
  • Marina ramp being utilized by non WLE individuals still needs to be investigated.
  • Potential ramp fee for all non-dock renters needs to be discussed with John Carney.
  • Speeding on Boathouse Road during boating season, especially on weekends, needs to be reviewed.
  • Next meeting will be Dec. 2nd at 9 AM at the fire station.
  • The meeting adjourned at 10:40 AM.

Respectfully submitted by,

Rick Rivera

Lee Cohen , Chairperson