June 22, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 9:05 am by Lee Cohen at the Lakeville Firehouse and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Minutes of the May 4, 2024 meeting were reviewed and accepted for submission to the BOD.

Monitoring the Docks

MC members are checking all the Docks weekly as assigned and are submitting photos/suggestions as needed when reporting safety, dock line/snubber violations, dock damage, or potential registration issues to Kathy Sollenne.  No further recommendations at this time.  Kathy is asked to clarify whether a fine is imposed, after an initial warning, regarding dock line/snubber violations.

Marina Conditions

The steps and ramps are being patrolled and cleaned up a bit better by Mike.  New stone has been placed on the path from the porta-johns as far as halfway between E and F docks and the steps next to the porta-johns have been improved.  We assume this work will continue. (Note: The path has been completely stoned)

Recommendation:  The protruding rocks mid-path need to be removed or painted better as many are still hazardous.  Flexible netting and railing should be installed on the space between the end of the wooden stairs and the metal grate ramp to the A and B docks.

New “No Trailer Parking On Weekends” signs are being installed going up Boathouse Rd.  

Recommendation:  Ensure these signs also apply to “Holidays” and are mounted high enough to be visible over cars, trucks, and golf carts/UTVs.

The sewer grate just west of the Marina shed continues to sink and is under repair and review by Maintenance. John Carney has indicated this area will be repaired/regraded by a Mason.

The power line for path lights is still hanging very low between the steps for Docks E and F and can be touched from the stoned path. 

Recommendation:  This is a WLE Maintenance issue which should be fixed asap. 

Five “No Wake” buoys have been placed further from the docks to help slow boats passing close to or entering the marina area. 

Note:  The No Wake buoy that is first from the east end has been placed to stop boats from approaching/entering the docks straight-in from the Lake.

Marina Finance  

To facilitate budgeting and cost tracking, the Marina Committee is asking for a bimonthly report that shows the hours spent by the Dockmaster and by WLE Maintenance crews on various work categories, e.g. dock install/removal, dock maintenance, marina site maintenance, boat ramp oversite. The Committee is also requesting to find out if all ticket/fine revenue assessed at the Docks and the various Marina Parking Lots is credited to Other Marina Revenue.

Recommendation:  Increase the Dockmaster responsibility to cover monitoring ramp use (WLE Members/Guests only) on Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays. 

Marina Security

Two new day/night vision cameras have been installed to the left of the Marina shed and on the pole at the top of the ramp. Other camera locations are being considered.

A night time theft occurred a couple weeks ago where a Garmin and various other items were stolen from the boat in slip D38, but no damage was done to the boat.  It is unclear whether they came from within WLE or by water. 

Recommendation:  Security should coordinate with the Technology Subcommittee to investigate installing several “fake” cameras facing land, with a solar cell and blinking light, on 12’ poles attached to the end of the docks along with signage facing the lake that warns the area is under 24 hour recorded surveillance. Eventually these cameras could become active.

Recommendation:  Security should walk the stone path at a random time each night, shining a high power light out onto the docks, in addition to their checking the upper parking lot.

Recommendation:  Investigate installing several solar powered lights on poles to illuminate the floating walkway to A and A1 Docks. 

An accident occurred at the Marina on Sunday June 16, 2024 where an elderly couple driving a golf cart tried to turn around (K turn), where Lakeshore Drive meets Boathouse Road in a sharp 180 degree turn, and ended up rolling over the embankment and flipping the golf cart injuring both people.  Chair Cohen understands both are doing much better than their damaged golf cart at this point.  Thanks to WLE Members, Marina Mike, and WLE Security who assisted until Emergency Services arrived.


Marina Committee Membership

Chair Cohen indicated we currently have one open position to fill on the Committee and recommended/nominated former member Torrey Jacobsen for the position.

VOTE: The Marina Committee approved Torrey rejoining the Committee with a 5 member majority voting in favor.

Rick Free indicated he will be resigning from the Committee after the next meeting in July as he and his wife are moving to WI.  Chair Cohen will seek potential replacements for Rick. Jeff Smith has indicated a potential candidate/Rachel Niccoll may apply.

Chair Cohen and Member Tim Moyer will complete their 3 year terms in June 2024 and Member Bill Sullivan will complete his second 3 year term in June 2024.

VOTE:   The Marina Committee voted in favor of allowing all three to remain on the Committee.

Elections for new Marina Committee officers will be held at the next meeting in July.  Marina Committee Members are requested to please text/email nominations to the Committee membership for Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary.

Marina Related News

A new solar powered 20 mph speed monitoring sign has been placed on Boathouse Road.  Chair Cohen  and Paul especially appreciate this addition and express their thanks to all involved.  Time will tell how effective the immediate feedback of flashing your speed is in deterring excessive speeding of all vehicles and especially trailer towing vehicles coming up from the marina.  Chair Cohen noted there appears to be some reduction in these violations.  It was also noted the sign records the speed of passing vehicles, but not their license number, so at least there will be some history data to further investigate the issue.

The WLE BOD is considering opening the front parking lot and possibly the rear parking lot to boat trailer parking on busy weekends and Holidays (or possibly the full boating season) at the Main Clubhouse provided there is no scheduled MCH event requiring the parking capacity.

 Future topics for Marina Committee Discussion

  • 2025 Marina Budget
  • Policing Marina ramp use by individuals that have no WLE right to do so.  Work with the BOD to identify a solution.
  • Upper parking lot designation for Trailer Parking Only on weekends and Holidays.

Next Meeting 

Friday, July 26, 2024, 9:00 am at the Lakeville Firehouse

Rick moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ken.  Adjourned at 10:25 am.

Respectfully submitted by:

Lee Cohen, Chairman

Rick Free, Vice Chairman