APRIL 20, 2024

The Board of Directors’ meeting commenced at 8:00 AM.

The following Board Members were in attendance:  Ed Jordan (President), Mike Cioffi  (Vice-President), Bruce Philips (Treasurer), Kathleen Maynes (Secretary), Mike McGregor, Scott Healy, Jerry Beskovoyne, and John Carney (General Manager). 

A motion to approve the minutes from the Board of Directors’ Meeting on March 9, 2024 was made by Scott and seconded by Mike C.  The minutes were unanimously approved. 

The Board Packet going out to property owners for this June’s Annual Meeting was reviewed and corrections were made.

Ed opened the open session with the Pledge of Allegiance at 9:00 AM.

General Manager’s Report (John Carney):

  • The BODs are currently preparing the Board Packet for June’s Annual Meeting.  There are four proposals for this meeting.
    • Replacement Reserve Allocation;
    • Amendments to the Occupancy Policy of 2004, Rental Rules & Regulations including Two Year Moratorium;
    • Petition banning Short Term Rentals (STRs) (30 days or less);
    • Board of Directors running restrictions. 
  • The development has signed a contract to spray for spongy moths.
  • The interior lakes were stocked yesterday.
  • The building of G dock has been completed and all the docks are currently being installed.
  • Work on the pools will begin once the docks are in.
  • Currently, potholes are being patched.
  • Sweeping of the roads will begin this Monday.

Question & Answer Session:

Question:   Has the BODs proposed amendments above the town’s regulations that strength our rules in terms of STRs? 

Answer:  Yes, we are making it stricter through our rules and language.

Question:  What are our current rules in terms of flags and plates on golf carts?

Answer:  Everyone should keep their current flags.

Question:  What about new registrations for golf carts?

Answer:  Property owners may get flags at the office.

Question:  Is there any updates on the Electronic Bulletin Board?

Answer:  It is on the agenda. Jerry will bring it up as soon as he gets updated prices.

Comment:  A couple of months ago there were two incidents that required first aid. As a retired first responder, I must note that the first aid kits are not up to par.  The first aid kits and AED needs to be more accessible.  If they are checked monthly by a company, then the company is not doing its job and has not included appropriate items.

Response:  The first aid kits and AED are monitored by a company.  However, they can be upgraded.  Perhaps you would like to assist us in making recommendations to upgrade them.  Make a list of appropriate items and we will get them.  Also perhaps you would like volunteer to assist the community with medical emergencies.

Comment:  I wanted to bring to your attention that water on a property on Mockingbird is running over to my property. 

Response:  Scott stated that he and Fran went over there this week during a rain event to view the situation.  We are looking for different options to give the water an outlet, such as a culvert or going down the property line.  The BODs are trying to come up with a program to address the water problems on various properties.  They are looking at new rules and regulations as well as enforcing current to rules and regulations to assist in alleviating the problem. It was noted that there are approximately 150 lots available for new homes. 

Reports of Departments / Committees/ Ad Hoc Groups:

The open session ended at 9:40 and the BODs reconvened at 10 AM in the Main Club House.

Treasurer’s Report/Finance (Bruce Phillips):

  • The Operating Budget Summary dated 3/31/2024 was distributed.  Because of timing, a number of accounts are listed as unfavorable.  However, as the year progresses, this should change.
  • Insurance premiums have risen dramatically.
  • WLE is scheduled for a full audit for the year ended December 31, 2023.  In 2020 the BOD approved rotation of three years (2020, 2021 & 2022) of financial reviews and one year of a financial audit in 2023.  

Bruce made the motion that the Treasurer and General Manager authorize a four-year contract with Riley and Company for three years of reviews and the fourth year (2027) full audit of WLE’s financial statements. The motion was seconded by Jerry.  The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  • At the June Annual Meeting, the members of the POA will vote on the Replacement Reserve.  

Bruce made the motion that the contribution to the Replacement Reserve is $602,181.

The motion was seconded by Scott. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Maintenance / Housekeeping (Jerry Beskovoyne): 

  • The Maintenances Department is to be commended on their renovations in the Main Office.
  • The building of G Dock has been completed. Heavier duty bolts were used.
  • Currently the Maintenance is working on the following projects:
    • Installation of the Marina Docks;
    • Installation of the U Docks;
    • Repairing the docks on the interior lakes;
    • Doing spring cleanup at the amenities;
    • Filling in smaller potholes on the roads;
    • Opening the outdoor restrooms;
    • Painting the speed bumps throughout the Community.
  • The alarm company is doing an evaluation of hardwired smoke/carbon monoxide detectors at the amenities. In the meanwhile, smoke/carbon monoxide detectors have been installed at the Adult Lodge.

Sewer and Water (Mike McGregor):

  • The Sewer and Water Department is in need of additional personnel.
  • The original generator in the Sewer and Water Plant needs replacement.  A rental one is in place until the old generator is replaced.
  • PP&L is trying to figure out a voltage problem that affected pump station #3.
  • Leak detection in the water system and infiltration in the sewer lines continues and appropriate repairs are made.
  • Fawnhill chlorine reduction project is still waiting on approval from the DEP.

Public Safety (Ed Jordan Jr.):

  • Dominic provided the BODs with a Public Safety Report for March 2024 that included citations, incidents, and EMS calls.
  • Mike C. requested that the reports include more information about medical emergencies, such as public safety officers’ personal assistance with individuals and at homes.
  • Ed will meet with a property owner to improve and update the first aid kits.  The medical supply company that WLE employs will be directed to include suggested additional items.

Legal Administration (Ed Jordan Jr.):

  • The case involving an oversized boat is concluding.

Marina Committee (Kathleen Maynes): No meeting.

  • G Dock has been completed.  Heavier bolts are now being used.  This does increase costs.
  • The docks are currently being installed at the Marina.

CDC (Jerry Beskovoyne):

  • The CDC heard four cases. Two cases were found in violation and two were not.  
  • During the yearly registration process, office staff will confirm that the license plates are accurate in TOPS.

Recreation Committee (Scott Healy): 

  • The Recreation Committee requested additional funds for the Swim Team.

Ed made a motion that the Swim Team budget be increased by $2500. ($1500. for tee shirts and $1000. for participants’ gifts).  The motion was seconded by Jerry. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. 

  • The Recreation Committee requested an additional $2000. for the Craft Shop.

Scott made a motion to approve an additional $2000. for the Craft Shop. The motion was seconded by Mike C.  The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  • One of the Tri-Chairs should oversee the operation of the Craft Shop.
  • The cost of gifts certificates from the Craft Shop should be included in an event’s budget. 
  • Since the Recreation Committee plans to resume using Venmo, their budget should reflect any costs associated with it.
  • The Recreation Committee allocated $999. For the purchase of a new laptop and necessary software for bingo.
  • Upcoming events include Designer Bag Bingo, Comedy Night, Scavenger Hunt, Family Bingo, Paint and Sip, Texas Hold’em, Beach Party, Flea Market, Fishing Derby, Music in the Park, and Murder Mystery Dinner.
  • The Recreation Committee might want to consider a systematic roll over of CDs for their surplus.
  • Kathy Jordan is running the Tricky Tray.

Ed made a motion to donate first quarter dues for the Tricky Tray.  The motion was seconded by Jerry.  The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.


Neighborhood Watch (Mike McGregor):  No meeting.

Technology Committee (Kathleen Maynes):

  • The Technology Committee is working on an Acceptable Use Policy for WLE Wi-Fi usage. Kathleen will prepare the final copy for approval by the BODs.

Building Committee (Scott Healy):

  • Scott, John, and Fran traveled around WLE to address various drainage issues.
  • Building permits have tripled during the past month,
  • Scott recommended better enforcement of Wayne County’s and WLE’s building rules and regulations to improve drainage issues.
  • Survey of properties need to give impervious calculation.

Scott made a motion that gravel is to be considered impervious according to the Paupack Township Stone Management Policy.  The motion was seconded by Bruce.  The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Paupack Township (Jerry Beskovoyne)

  • An abandoned property in WLE was supposed to be demolished by Paupack Township.  However, it is now being postponed because one of its owners is involved in litigation with the Township.

WLE Beautification (Mike McGregor):  No meeting.

Jerry made a motion to accept first right of refusals, which were done via email due to the fact that they were time sensitive.  The motion was seconded by Bruce. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

They included the following:

Section and Lot:

Email Approval Date:









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  • A letter was sent to the BODs last month appealing a bus stop incident.  The BODs needed additional information to make a decision on this.  After receiving additional information, the BODs made a determination.

Jerry made a motion to deny the appeal. The motion was seconded by Scott. Six BOD members agreed to deny the appeal.  Mike C. voted in favor of the appeal.

Unfinished Business:

  • Jerry will be providing additional information about the Electronic Bulletin Board when he receives updated pricing.
  • The Skate Park is currently being moved to Tennis Lane.  Once organized, it will be fenced in.

New Business:

  • WLE’s snack bar contract will remain the same as last year.
  • The BODs will revisit Saturday and Sunday work times for non-fee permits.
  • A location for a new Salt Shed needs to be discussed.  Section 6 is a possibility.  

Bruce made a motion to approve a survey of Section 6.  The motion was seconded by Kathleen.  The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.


A motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:40 PM was made by Jerry, seconded by Ed, and approved unanimously.

The next BOD meeting is scheduled for May 18, 2024. 

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen R. Maynes, Secretary