AUGUST 10, 2024
The meeting of the WLE POA Recreation Committee was called to order by Tri Chair Martin Logue at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, August 10, 2024, in the Adult Lodge. Forty-seven members stood and repeated the Pledge of Allegiance. Board liaison Al Cucciniello was present. A minute of silence was taken in the memory of Recreation Committee member: Nicole Kurz.
Minutes for June meetings were sent via e-mail to all members. There was no meeting in July. Jerry Beskovoyne noted that Scott Healy was incorrectly reported as Board Liaison. Al Cucciniello replaced Scott as liaison after Annual Meeting, June 8. Eileen McGregor made a motion to accept minutes as corrected; seconded by Joanne Navarra, no opposition, minutes were approved.
The treasurer’s report for June and July, 2024 were read by tri-chair Joey Marino. Balance forwarded on May 31, 2024, was $43,053.30. Total revenue was $7,723.22; total expenses were $2,307.14. Ending balance at June 30 was $48,469.38. Our account includes checking with 48,469.38; Venmo $500.00 and CD of $10,000.00 for a grand total of $58,969.38. Eileen McG made a motion to accept June’s Treasurer’s report, second by Frank Carrotozzolo. All were in favor, no opposition, Treasurer’s report accepted as presented.
The treasurer’s report for July, 2024 was read by tri-chair Joey Marino. Balance forwarded on June 30, 2024, was
$48, 469.38 Total revenue was $14,460.49; total expenses were $8,813.73. Ending balance at July 31 was $54,116.14. Our account includes checking with $54,116.14; Venmo $500.00 and CD of $10,000.00 for a grand total of $64,616.14. Carolyn Guy made a motion to accept July’s Treasurer’s report, second by Casandra Galovic. All were in favor, no opposition, Treasurer’s report accepted as presented.
Martin thanked all chairs and volunteers.
Swim Team – Cathy Jordan reported having a very successful season. Swim Team had between 70 – 75 swimmers. They enjoyed their banquet, and each swimmer received pajamas as a gift. They look forward to swimming against The Hideout and Masthope next season.
Craft Shop – Doing very well. Tara reported a profit of $692.00 for July. Tara thanked Eileen Mollahan and Camille Zambito for stepping in for her when needed and how confident she is when they help. She would like to run a flash sale for WLE items only. Martin made a motion to allow her to sell WLE clothing at a discount, seconded by John Mollahan and Stephanie Bradford. A vote of hands, no opposition, motion carried.
Family Bingo – Stephanie B reported there are only two left: 8/13 and 8/20t. Season has been successful; approximately 100 attendees per night and a profit of $400 – $500 made each time. She thanked her volunteers for their help.
Gwenn Phillips spoke about “Ceramics”. They will conclude August 23. Still a popular event with the children and adults. She thanked the volunteers for their help.
Paint & Sip – Doreen not present. Terry C made a motion to cancel event, seconded by Eileen McG; event cancelled.
Golf Car Parade – Jerry B informed committee that it was its usual success. Approximately 117 golf carts participated. He will chair again next year.
Independence Day – Terry C reported a small profit of $237. Fees were incurred with DJ , Porter Pottys. Noticed families and groups supplying their own meals, food truck will not return. Hope beer supplier will be able to come in 2025. Jerry B’s opinion was to just hire DJ again for next year.
Pickle Ball Tournament – went well.
Texas Hold’Em.
Twenty eight people played last night. Not much profit but players seem to enjoy the event. Stephanie B wondered if another could be scheduled in the fall.
Comedy Nights – have been very successful, earning approximately $4,500 for the two events.
Flea Market – Thirty vendors participated. Terry C will review time frame for future.
Music in the Park –Terrific choices. 50/50 earned $178 when. Big difference in 50/50 numbers when held inside vs. outside.
Fishing Derby – Terry C reported that it went very well. Two really big fish caught – a 16.5 # and two 15#.
She commented on them being the largest fish ever.
Movies in the Dark –no additional movies scheduled. The first two were very well attended but attendance tapered off toward the end.
Venmo – Brenda Basenese not in attendance. Martin advised that Kathy Sollenne found a good deal on a phone. Martin’s rough calculations showed the expense will be absorbed by profits from events.
Event Package – Brenda B not in attendance. Item will be tabled until next meeting
Upcoming Business-
Car Show – Held today on Kasper Lodge field. Two categories – “new” and “old”.
Music in the Park –August 10 – tonight – Q-Ball; August 24 – The Mix.
Triathlon – Flyer is out. August 31 from 10:00-12:00 am at Deer Lake.
Swim Team Tricky Tray – Kathy Jordan – Looks similar to what we had for last year. $9,000 goal.
Cardboard Boat Building and Race – Bob Assenheimer has gotten cardboard. Terry C will have duct tape and medals.
Beach Party – Michelle Logue announced date has changed to the Sunday of Labor Day Weekend (9/1). They have contracted the DJ, foam, fire dancers…very similar to last year. Tickets will be: $15 for 13 and up; $10 for 4-12 year olds and free for 3 and under. Deadline will be August 31 at noon.
Octoberfest – Terry C and Casandra G ask to postpone event to 2025.
Digital Bulletin Board -– Frank explained why vote on January 13, 2024 did not stand. Attendees were not all vetted by office for being members in good standing; not all were eligible to vote according to Recreation’s By-Laws. A “closed” vote will be taken today. Frank has list of Recreation Committee members who can vote. Plan was to take those votes to office and announce result next month. The initial vote by eligible members was overwhelmingly “no”. No need to have office involved. Al Cucciniello’s motion to give WLEPOA a one-time amount of $15,000.00 toward the purchase of a digital sign does not pass. Motion dead. (See vote details at end of minutes.)
Murder mystery night– Eileen McG and Stephanie B announced they are sold out! The cooking for this dinner will be done in house by the chairs. Some discussion followed about pests in the pantry. Lonnie advised that he has spoken to John Carney about replacing shelves with those meeting current industry standards. If kept, the china dishes will need to be relocated. This will be accomplished in the future, no specific date.
New Business-
Thursday Coffee– Casandra G. will resume the last week of September or first of October. An announcement will be sent out.
Card Bingo– John Macek said Card Bingo will resume September 6.
Family Halloween – Siobhan Harte is not able to chair a Family Halloween this year. Eileen McG offered to chair “something” for the children for October 26, 2024.
Trunk or Treat – Terry C will chair. The date will be Halloween, October 31, 2024
Holiday Ornament – Soldier Event – Will be included with Independence Day as activity for children.
Pre-Holiday Party – Scheduled for November 30 – adults only. Lonnie and Casandra will chair.
Recreation Tri-Chair Nominations – The first nomination for tri-chair vacancy was presented by Terry C. She nominated Bill Raimondi. Bill did not accept. Frank Carrotozzolo nominated Lonnie Galovic; motion seconded by Jerry B, Lonnie accepted the nomination. Voting will take place next month.
Corn Hole tournament – Bill R will chair a tournament on the Monday of Labor Day weekend (September 1). A motion was made by Casandra G asking the committee to give him a budget of $100 for supplies. Stephanie B seconded the motion, all were in agreement, motion carried. The schedule will be the same as before: 8-12 year olds: 12:00 – 1:40 p.m.; 13-17 year olds: 1:30 -3:00 p.m.; adults: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Martin L showed the assembly a letter the tri-chairs received from the WLE BOD regarding a conflict on June 15. We were all reminded that personal attacks and criticism have no place in our events or meetings. Going forward Martin hoped we could solve any issue at the committee level. In the future, copies of our guidelines will be at meetings. If an occasion arises that tri-chairs cannot contain, security should be called.
Bocce Ball Tournament –Something to consider in the fall. Bocce courts need attention. Believe Maintenance will look at them.
Music at the Main Clubhouse – Terry C needs a budget in order to book someone. Stephanie B made a motion to create a budget of $595 allowing Terry to hire someone. Paula Baker seconded motion. Vote of hands taken, no opposition. Motion was accepted.
There being no further business to come before the committee Martin L made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Diane Sutton. All members in agreement. Meeting adjourned at 11:55 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Gwenn Phillips
Recording Secretary
NOTE: After adjournment, Frank Carrotozzolo and Joey Marino counted the votes. The results were:
YEA – 7 Rec Members voting: 32
NAY – 25
VOTES were verified. $15,000 not given to WLE BOD toward digital sign.