JUNE 15TH 2024
The meeting of the WLE POA Recreation Committee was called to order by Tri Chair Martin Louge at 10:03 a.m., Saturday, June 15th, 2024, in the Adult Lodge. Thirty-eight members stood and repeated the Pledge of Allegiance. Board liaison Scott Healy was present. Thank you to Ed Jordan for his time on the board. Congratulations to Al Cucciniello for getting back on the Board of Directors.
Minutes for May’s meeting were sent via email to all members. Martin presented a motion to accept the minutes seconded by Stephanie Bradford All in favor, none opposed. Minutes were accepted.
The treasures report for May 2024 was read by tri-chair Joey Marino. Balance forwarded on April 30th, 2024, was $40,586.08. Total revenue was $5,598.09; total expenses were $3,130.87. Ending balance as of May 31st, 2024, was $43,053.30.
Our account includes checking, Venmo $500.00 and CD of $10,000.00 and $43,053.30 in checking for a grand total of $53,553.30. Frank Carrotozolo made a motion to accept May’s Treasurer’s report, Eilleen McGregor accepted, Frank Carrotozollo to second. All were in favor, no opposition, Treasurer’s report accepted as presented.
- Card Bingo – John Macek- Suspended for the summer, will resume September 6th.
- Thursday Coffee- Cassandra Galovic- Suspended for the summer, will restart late September, early October.
- Mother’s Day Brunch- Cassandra Galovic- All went well
- Bocce Ball Tournament- Martin Louge- Good turnout, 12 teams in attendance, pizza was served, winners received trophies, Michelle and Renata won the tournament. A good time was had. Another tournament will be planned.
- Lighten Up Band- Terry C.- A good time was had. Not as many participants this time, perhaps due to the overlapping Memorial Day holiday. This will be considered for the future.
- Memorial Day Activities
- Family Bingo- Stephanie Bradford- Bingo went very well. 143 People in attendance. Profit was $484.81 (considering the purchase of a new laptop and concession items). Thanks was given to the volunteers.
- Scavenger Hunt- Terry C.- Record breaking attendance. 17 groups of people attended. Out of 48 items to be returned, 43 came back. Difficult items like roll of film and flash cards and index cards were on the list.
- Cornhole- William Raimondi- 3 teams for smaller children, 3 teams for teens, and 20 teams for adults. Bill requests that, in the future, the tournament area be roped off. The committee agreed to posts and caution tape.
- Comedy Night- Terry C.- Sold out with 183 people in attendance. Profit of $2361.00. **May Minutes Correction- Change next comedy night from June 15th to July 20th. A female comedian and talks about female things**
- Swim Team- Kathy Jordan- Coaches are in and ready to go. The swim team schedule is posted. Ready to go.
- Craft Shop- Tara Stark- Total Sales to date are $5826.00. The amount coming back to the recreation is $3957.00.
- Tara has found an individual to refurbish the old WLE signs. However, Tara would like to keep Vinny’s up as long as possible before we buy new ones.
- Question: Can we pull down and refurbish the signs hanging from the overpass? Answer: The BOD would have to give permission. Maintenance will be talked to about the project.
- Venmo Account- The account was deactivated due to monthly fees. Much disdain arose and the idea of reactivation pending research was discussed. Brenda was asked to take on the role of presenting numbers and reminded the committee that the reactivation needs to be put to a vote. While there was a lot of debate, the key points were:
- Brenda B. did research on the topic and found that:
- 2022- from December to October- $334.15 profit
- 2023- $2583.00 profit
- We are not losing money considering fees and expenses. If a phone were to be attained, the monthly fee would not hurt our profit.
- Cassandra asks- Will there be a minimum dollar amount accepted?
- The majority answered that it is up to the office to decide that.
- Discussion continued with comments and questions about:
- What about the people who cannot make it to the office to purchase tickets?
- Can we lower the minimum dollar amount to $10?
- Can we look at ticket sale versus dollar amount?
- Continuing with the additional $1.00 per ticket fee will cover the added expense of getting a dedicated phone line.
- We must move with the times in regard to Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, etc.
- Motion to vote on reactivating the Venmo account; Stephanie Bradford, Michelle Louge to second.
- Brenda offered to do an annual audit on the account.
- Vote to keep Venmo- 1 opposed, the remaining wish to reinstate the Venmo account.
- Martin will discuss reactivation with the office and figure out what the minimum dollar amount would be. Awaiting clarifications that Brenda will obtain.
- Brenda B. did research on the topic and found that:
- Ceramics- Gwenn- Start July 2nd at Beaver lodge, Tuesdays and Fridays from 1-3pm. Volunteers came forward.
- Summer Recreation begins July 1st with Tabitha Sollenne. Community Service students will be volunteering also.
- Paint and sip- Doreen not present but event will be held on June 29th, 2024.
- Independence Day Picnic – Terry C.- Scheduled for July 6th. The food, parade, and band are all set.
- Texas Hold’em- Terry C. – Beaver Lodge, $20 buy in, door open
- July 12th– Nothing to report.
- August 9th
- Eileen McGregor brought up the expiration of the gambling license. Martin explained that a tri-chair is now expected to give their personal information for the license, so Lonnie did it and now the license is renewed.
- Comedy Night- Terry C.- Main Club House. Doors open at 6pm; Show starts at 7:00pm. BYOB. Must be 21 to attend.
- Female comedian. Tickets are available in the office.
- Flea Market- Terry C.- July 20th, 9am – 3pm (set up no earlier than 7am). $20 table rental fee ($10 reimbursement after cleaning up your area).
- Music in the park- Terry C.- Kasper Field, 7pm to 9pm
- July 13th– Fat City Rockers
- July 27th -Lady and the Vet (profits to benefit local veterans).
- August 3rd – Not Dead Yet
- August 10th– Q-Ball.
- August 24th– The Mix
- Fishing Derby- Terry C.- August 3rd at 10-11am. To be held at Deer Beach. Awards will be presented.
- Car Show- Al C.- August 10th. Will not be serving food, but drinks are available.
- Triathalon- Terry C.- TBD
- Beach Party- Matin Louge- August 17th. There will be no pig roast. Will keep foam party. Will continue to serve hamburgers and hot dogs. John Mollahan and Martin discussed obtaining a pig for a roast in the fall. Terry C. presents the idea of doing the pig roast during Oktoberfest.
- Octoberfest- Terry C. and Cassandra G.- October 12th– There have been difficulties finding a food vender. No deposits have been made yet. Collaboration with Martin and Michelle is an option they are going to discuss. Contacts have been made for games.
- Eileen McGregor and Frank C. brought up revisiting the budget because there was no proposal, and the event is not listed on the budget. Martin agreed to revisit.
- Murder Mystery Dinner- Stephanie Bradford and Eileen McGregor-October 19th. Currently 84 tickets are sold. The capacity of the event will be 140 people so people can interact with the actors.
- Stephanie asked if she could put Venmo on her flyer- the answer was no. Not yet.
- Tricky Tray- Kathy Jordan- August 31st– Main Club House.
- Event Package- Brenda B. – Updates have been made. Shannon is working on a way to fill the form out online this way it can be submitted. Due to personal reasons, it may be on hold for a little while.
New Business
- Cardboard Boat Race- Terry C. and Heidi R.
August 31st– boat build at Beaver lodge from 10am to 1pm. Pick up supplies–September 1st– boat race at Deer Beach starting at 11am. Christine to make handmade awards. Awaiting a budget based on left over supplies from sled building.
- Brenda thanks Terry for stepping to do the event but expressed concern about Heidi running the event based on her violations of the guidelines by which the recreation committee was slandered on social media. Brenda suggests adding a 3rd person to the event as a backup.
- Prior to voting, previous transgressions were brought up and debated.
- Heidi pleads for the case for event aside from what transpired in the past.
- Eileen McGregor requests a copy of the guidelines for all members of the committee. If a guideline is violated, there should be consequences.
- Martin read article 10 section 3 of the guidelines to the committee
- The committee was then asked to vote on allowing the Cardboard Boat Race to move forward, and the majority voted to permit the event.
- Lonnie apologizes to the committee for this having been dealt with a year later.
- Stephanie asks permission to make 10 copies of the guidelines for every table. Lonnie said yes. Martin said that he would take care of it.
- Pickle Ball Tournament- Dan Nicholas and Deb McGrane. – July 5th. They pre-made a flyer with all the information. Registration 8- 8:25am / Tournament to begin 8:30am. They are proposing 2 formats of the tournament: Mixed doubles and the second can be left open for either. Will be doing “day of sign-ups” to ensure commitment. Dan will create brackets. Ages 16 years old and up. WLE residents and their houseguests only, no ringers. Frank C. makes a proposal that we accept the tournament and give a $250 budget. Seconded by Cassandra G. All in favor, none opposed. Looking to set up a reservation system.
- Summer Family Bingo- Stephanie Bradford- To begin July 2nd. Bingo will run for 8 weeks, every Tuesday in the Main Club House. Doors open at 6:30pm, and the game starts promptly at 7pm. Flyer has all dates listed. She gives thanks to volunteers.
- Lonnie clarifies the delay of gaming license renewal due to the request of personal information, commitment, and liability concerns. Al C. notes that Wayne County has made changes to the renewal process.
- Tri-Chair Nominations- Lonnie- Nominations in August, voting in September. To be a tri-chair one would have to be a member of the recreation committee. A blind vote will be held.
- Digital Billboard- Terry C.- Al C. said the budget has been approved by the board of directors. The BOD requests a donation of $15,000 from recreation.
- Martin speaks on behalf of other recreation members- Is it going to be flashing brightly or will it be stable? Answer: it will be stable with a loop of events. It can be set up how we want it.
- Michelle makes a point to update the current AV system and other recreation needs instead of spending $15k on a digital board. The money can be put to better use.
- The cost of the board will be about $40k
- Camille Zambitto expresses concern of location for this board because it will create traffic and unsafe situations. She would also like to see the money be put to better use. Uses example of caring for the bocce ball court.
- Debate arose over the location of the sign.
- Eileen McGregor says it should be put to a vote. Voters will need to be eligible. She would like to make a motion to vote on the digital board next month. Al C. to second the motion. All in favor- none opposed.
- Kathy Jordan mentions that we all work very hard to make money for the children and community and that is a lot of money to spend on one item.
- Terry C.- Notes that information is missing from the board and that a digital board would also be keeping up with the times.
- Cassandra suggests buying $100 TVs for each amenity building to do the same job on channel 920.
- Kathy promotes the WLE App and that it does all the same things and more.
- Camille asks about maintenance and damages and insurance.
- Eileen McGregor proposes that this decision be put to a blind vote on August 10th during the rec. Meeting. 4 people opposed.
- Billy- requests that Martin follows up with the fixing of the bocce ball court with maintenance.
Frank made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned 12:20pm. All in favor- None opposed.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Bradford
Interim Secretary