November 11th, 2023
The meeting of the WLE POA Recreation Committee was called to order by Tri Chair Lonnie Galovic at 9:05 a.m. Saturday, November 11th, 2023, in the Adult Lodge. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Lonnie thanked all of the volunteers and wished everyone a happy veteran’s day.
Minutes for October were accepted by Frank Kurz, second by Terry Cuccinelli. All in favor. None opposed
The treasurer’s report was read by Joey Marino. Balance forwarded on 9/30/2023 was $47,244.86. Total revenue was $2,213.66, total expenses were $1,583.82. Ending balance of $47,874.70. Our account includes checking, Venmo $500.00 and CD of $10,000.00 for a grand total of $58,374.70. Motion to accept by Stephanie Bradford, second by Al Cucciniello. All were in favor, no opposition, Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
Motion to accept financial report stephanie bradford 2nd al Cucinelli all in favor, none opposed.
Card Bingo– Going very well. Thank you to everyone who helped with the making and distribution of sandwiches. Lonnie asked about Black Friday card bingo, they are waiting to see how many people will be in the area and who would like to attend.
Thursday coffee– Averaging 10-15 people. Currently looking for a new bagel place
Trunk or treat– Terry. It went okay. The weather did not cooperate. The people who came had a good time.
Spooktacular– Very successful. $1300 profit. More items were added to the menu this year, which will be done again in the future due to the success.
Digital Board– Jerry will have a full report at the next meeting. September meeting reads that the funds were allocated. This message will be retracted and rewritten to say $15,000 was entertained towards digital board pending Board of Directors approval. Lonnie made a motion to retract 15k allocation toward digital board, second the motion- john Mollahan. All in favor, none opposed.
Upcoming business-
Indoor tree decorating- Cassandra needing volunteers. Decorating to be held November 18th in the Main Clubhouse in the morning. Time to be mentioned closer to the date. To have maintenance bring down the tree.
Pre-Holiday Party– No more tables available for purchase. So far it is looking like a sellout. Rich is going to DJ.
Christmas tree lighting– Dec-2, 5:30-6:00 pm. Main Clubhouse.
Craft Fair– Kathy Navetta 12/2 from 12-4pm. 12 Venders so far. Held in the Main Club House. $5.00 table fee. WLE Venders only. Accounting of tables will need to be done.
Fire Truck Santa– 12/9 starting at 2pm. Map has been posted
Very Merry Christmas Party– Sign-up sheet to start- Martin and Michelle to be Mr. & Mrs. Clause. Time moved from 4-8pm because history has proven that children are getting tired earlier.
Indoor Cornhole– Cancelled due to concern for the integrity of the room. Other indoor activities to be explored.
New Years Eve Party– Tickets on sale in the office. Same as last year. 12/31 from 8pm-12:30. Main club house.
Karaoke– 12/16, 7pm-? Motion to approve by Lonnie, seconded by-Al Cuccinello.
New Business-
Karaoke- 1/20, Saturday, 7pm. Lonnie makes a motion, Stephanie Bradford seconds.
Superbowl Party- same as previous party- 2/11 (Martin will check on date). 5:30pm to the end of the game. Requires use of kitchen.
Wacky Winter Weekend – President Weekend – Saturday the 17th, Sunday the 18th, Monday the 19th
Event |
Date/Time |
Location |
Ice Cream Social |
Saturday- 6:30-7pm |
Bonfire |
Saturday- 7:30 |
Cardboard Sled Race (Building) |
Saturday- snow pending |
Beaver |
Cardboard Sled Race (Race) |
Sunday- snow pending |
Rockledge |
Brunch |
Sunday- pending volunteers to run event. |
Bingo |
Sunday/ Doors open 6:30 games start @7pm. Badges required. |
Main Club House |
Receipt submissions for reimbursement- discussion involved handing in original receipts over copies of receipts because receipts lose quality over time. Frank showed an example of a current blacked out receipt. Discussion to be revisited pending equipment check. A mention was made that no one should have to wait for their money. If there is an issue in transmission, a communication should be sent to resubmit.
Kitchen equipment and supplies– Lonnie prepared a packet of items and prices. Supplies purchased are to be for recreational use only. Motion for a budget of $5,000, seconded by Eileen McGregor. Upon further discussion, the motion to amend the $5,000 was seconded by Eileen Mc Gregor. All in favor, none opposed. Lonnie made a new motion to increase the budget to $6,000 for small wear and equipment for recreational use only, Rick Bradford to second. All in favor, no one opposed.
Family Fun Nights-/Adult Fun Night- Research still being done.
Future Business
Casino Night– Martin and Michelle potentially.
Murder mystery night– 10/12/24- Saturday- Dinner time. Ticketed event. 2-hour event. Theme to be determined. Looking into having the event catered. 50% deposit is required to hold the date. Final balance is due Thursday before the show. Formal proposals need to be put together because of the amount. Cap event at 100 people. Motion proposed for $6,000, seconded by John Mollahan. All in favor, none opposed.
Chili Cookoff– Saturday, January 6th @ 2-pm in the Main Club House. Family event. Sign-ups in the main office. $2.00 per person. 50/50 raffle. Deadline for signups Saturday December 30th. First 15 contestants to sign up. Cash prizes for winners. Motion proposed for $500, seconded by Cassandra Galovic. All in favor, none opposed.
Cigar event- cigar exchange to be tabled to next meeting
Summer Fun Days– Date may change due to another event being so close to another, similar event. Water slides, bouncy houses. Need a proposal for budget increase for next meeting.
New Microphones– Frank requested 2 new microphones at $150, for multiple events because the ones we have currently do not work that well. Stephanie Bradford to second. Eileen McGregor opposed.
2 Bored Mamas– Painting class. Shannon to teach. Similar to a paint and sip. Boards to be provided for a fee. Date tbd. The information and proposal will be discussed further at the next meeting.
Designer Bag Bingo– To be discussed next meeting.
Venmo phone line– Office is looking to charge $60 per month for the phone line for the use on Venmo. Information to be requested from the main office in regard to Venmo and having a dedicated line.
There being no other business to come before the meeting. Motion to adjourn, Joe Mongioliri, seconded by Nan Yack. All in favor, no opposed – meeting adjourned at 11:17 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Bradford