Wallenpaupack Lake Estates
Property Owners Association
Building Compliance Committee
September 5, 2020 9am
Adult Lodge
Approved Minutes
Mr. Young called the meeting to order at: 9:09 AM.
In attendance were:
John Young, Chairperson
Paul Kiczek, Recording Secretary
Dale Pepper
Larry Chanowsky
Rick Yack
Tom Huhn
Frank Bruno – excused
Fran Raimo – BCO
Al Cucciniello– BOD Liaison
Review of the August 1, 2020 Minutes.
The August 1, 2020 minutes were previously approved and presented.
Old Business:
1. BOD Liaison – Al Cucciniello
a. Discussion on setbacks for corner lots. BCO Fran discussed the issue with the township and stated town guideline was 20 ft from ROW (edge of the road) and strictly enforced. WLE will not be able to challenge the guideline as the community is governed by the district. WLE is 30/60 from the center of the road. The committee proposal is to modify WLE to 40/60. This will align WLE with the Township guidelines. First motion by Dale Pepper and 2nd by Larry Chanowsky. Approved by majority of the Committee with two abstentions.
b. Pendergast variance – Al stated it was not clear as to the final size of the garage. The committee did not approve a building size but rather approved a 2 ft encroachment of the front property line on one corner. Al will discuss it in the next BOD meeting.
c. Bieski variance – approved but a letter was not sent.
2. 1069 Wallenpaupack Drive – Blue deck documentation. BCO Fran researched to permit and could not find supporting paperwork. The color for the deck is the color of the house and may have been acceptable at that time but is not conforming with the new color charts (approved April 1, 2017). BCO Fran will send a letter reminding the PO that moving forward the color is not approved and will need to be change when the deck needs to be painted.
3. 1003 Deer Valley Road – permitting documentation. BCO Fran stated the town issued permits for the deck.
New Business:
1. Post and Rail Fences. BCO Fran receives many requests from Property Owners. The discussion pointed out many concerns with the proposal to allow post and rail fencing (painting, chicken wire). The issue will be discussed further in the next meeting.
Closed Session.
Motion to adjourn at 10:22 AM by Rich Yack and Larry Chanowsky second, approved unanimously. The next meeting is scheduled for October 3, 2020 at 9:00 AM. Adult Lodge to be confirmed.
BCO Report:
Non-Fee Permits: 42
Fee Permits: 5 @ $211.50
Tree Removal: 17
Homes built: 1384